Graduates acquire all the necessary scientific and technological knowledge and practical skills in order to be able to seek employment in their field, either as freelancers or as employees in related companies, organisations and services. In particular, Mechanical Engineers:
- Conduct engineering studies using up-to-date scientific and technological methodologies for building installations (heating, cooling, air-conditioning, plumbing, fire and sound protection, gas installations, elevators, etc) and also supervise their installation.
- Design, develop and supervise the operation of engineering installations and manufacturing systems with modering machining technologies (CNC, FMS and Robotics).
- Study and apply safety regulations in engineering installations.
- Apply contemporary management methods in business and organisation administration.
- Apply up-to-date technological methodologies and management practices in machine production, covering also quality certification
- Apply up-to-date scientific and laboratory techniques in laboratories for end-product testing, process control, environmental protection and quality assurance.
- Organise, supervise, analyse and evaluate laboratory measurements and experiments in their field. Organise production using up-to-date monitoring, organisation, control and manufacturing methods such as CAM, CAD, CIM, etc.
- Address the social, environmental and legal obligations for production, manufacturing, and energy production companies, on local, regional, national and world level.
- Study and supervise the implementation of environmental protection measures regarding pollution created by urban waste, energy systems, engineering plants, and transportation.
More details about the curriculum are give in the Undergraduate Prospectus of TEILar.