Laboratory for Tribology
The Laboratory for Tribology (LT) belongs to the Manufacturing Sector of the Mechanical Engineering Department. Its educational and research activities cover the following fields:
- Tribology (friction, lubricant, and wear)
- Dynamometer measurements
- Impact measurements
- Pin on disk for friction and wear characterization
- Tribological lubricants
- Surface profile measurements (surface testers, profilometers)
- Shaft eccentricity and Bearing Forces (bearing tester)
Head of LT is Assistant Prof. George Poulios. LT facilities stretch over an area of 200 m2 inside the TEI of Thessaly Campus.
Educational Personell
- George Poulios, MSc – Assistant Prof.
- Nikolaos Tsiantos, MSc – Research Assistant
Technical Support Personel
- Nikolaos Ilioudis, Mechanical Engineering