Laboratory for Machine Tools & Manufacturing Processes-Projects
Research and Educational Projects
- Intelligent system for highly reconfigurable operations utilizing sensing and automation technology (University of Patras) (accepted), Team Coordinator.
- Archimedes III, ‘The effect of tolerances in machining and in assembly process’ (TEI of Western Macedonia), External Research Assistant
- Προηγμένες υπηρεσίες ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης στο ΤΕΙ Λάρισας (ΕΕ): Ι. Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό για το μάθημα Εργαλειομηχανές CNC (03.04.2006- 30.09.2006), (GR).
- Ενθάρρυνση καινοτομικών εφαρμογών και μαθημάτων επιλογής φοιτητών και σπουδαστών ΤΕΙ Λάρισας και Λαμίας – Please Enter (ΕΕ): Ι. Συγγραφή Μελέτης Περίπτωσης (01.03.2007-30.08.2007), (GR)
Student Thessis in colaboration with Industry
- Kechagias, J., Billis, M., Maropoulos, S. (2010), “A parameter design of CNC plasma-arc cutting process using robust design”, Int. J. Experimental Design and Process Optimisation, Vol. 1(4), pp.315-326. Experiments were contucted at Margas firm, Larissa, Greece
- Kechagias, J., Ziogas, C., Pappas, M., Ntziantzias, I. (2011), “Parameter Optimization During Finish End Milling of Al Alloy 5083 Using Robust Design”, In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011 Vol I, WCE 2011, July 6 - 8, 2011, London, U.K., pp627-631. Experiments were contucted at SPACESONIC firm, Larissa, Greece
- Pappas M, Ntziantzias I, Kechagias J, Vaxevanidis N (2011) ‘Modeling of Abrasive Water Jet Machining using Taguchi Method and Artificial Neural Networks’, International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, NCTA 2011, Paris. Experiments were contucted at Sielman S.A. firm, Volos, Greece
Also, Dr John Kechagias during his post graduate studies at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Patras had contribution to the following Research Projects as Research Assistant (Under Supervision of Prof. G. Chryssolouris):
- ESPRIT PROJECT No 26498 Integration of Business Function in Manufacturing – A best practice approach (ΕΕ).
- RETEX - Μελέτη σχεδιασμού και εγκατάστασης της μεθόδου ταχείας πρωτοτυποποίησης για την κατασκευή μοντέλων καθισμάτων (ΤΕΟΚΑΡ ΑΒΕΕ).
- FLAME- Μηχανολογία ευέλικτης συναρμολόγησης και κατασκευής (ΓΓΕΤ-ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ):
- ΑΡΤΕΜΙΣ - Ολοκληρωμένα συστήματα παρακολούθησης παραγωγικής διαδικασίας στην χαρτοβιομηχανία (ΓΓΕΤ-ΕΠΕΤ ΙΙ).
- ESPRIT PROJECT N. 20903 (RIDER)- Real time decision making in manufacturing (EE).
- BRPR-CT95-0066 - Digital Mock-Up process for product conception and downstream processes-DMU (EE).
- ESPRIT PROJECT N.22367-QUETA - Quality engineering tools for assemply and small bactches manufacturing (ΕΕ).
- BRPR CT96-0283-INTEGRITY – Integration of heat treatment into machine-tools by using advanced grinding technology (EE).
- BRST-CT97-5145 - Development of a high power laser based machine for the production of moulds form laminations (ΕΕ).
- BRPR-CT98-0741-VIRTUE - Virtual reality environment for the simulation of critical industrial processes involving human intervention (ΕΕ).